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Blog #2

Really observing the ethics of engineering is something that kind of took me by surprise. It was fun to be able to use Monster's Inc as an example and I was not aware of just how much had to be considered and how little actions can have big consequences. I am really starting to understand how I will approach our final project. It is not going to be an easy task, certainly not when every detail has to be scrutinized but I think I am up for the challenge.



As far as my personal life goes, school has been tough this year. I owe that mostly to the classes I am taking. Multi variable calculus and ap physics are not fun at all and the fact that I am at school from 7 AM to up to 8 PM on certain days definitely does not help. I am hoping second semester will be a little less stressful as my AM period only lasts for one semester. And usually by then, I am fully acclimated with the teaching styles of my teachers.


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